As soon as we ovulate, the body starts to prepare for a potential pregnancy. Month after month, our menstrual cycle creates the perfect conditions for an egg to be fertilised so that when a long-awaited pregnancy finally occurs, you can get to work straight away growing your baby – long before you even know you’re pregnant.
In this episode, you’ll learn when the best possible time is to take a pregnancy test in order to get an accurate result. I’ll share the earliest signs of pregnancy to look out for as well as how to survive the two-week wait between ovulation and your next expected period.
We’ve all been there once or twice. We wake up thinking we’re going to get our period. But it doesn’t come.
We wake up the next day. Still no period.
Then we start to panic.
We do some backwards maths and work out if we might be pregnant. We start frantically Googling and cursing our bodies for messing with our heads.
In this episode, I’m going to save you from that long fall down the Google rabbit-hole and share with you the top reasons why your period might be late. And none of them mean you’re pregnant.
Let’s get something straight, cervical mucus is not just discharge and it is a very good thing! You want to see mucus throughout your menstrual cycle because it’s the very best real-time indicator you have of your fertile window. It tells you when you’re ovulating so you can use this information to avoid unplanned pregnancy or conceive naturally. Mucus helps keep sperm alive and helps get us pregnant, and it protects us from vaginal infections. The change in mucus during our cycle also helps us to predict our next period and if you’re a control freak like me – you like knowing when your period is coming. Some women see cervical mucus every single day. Some only see it a few days in a month. And every single one of these women is 100% normal.
Can you actually get pregnant on your period? This is a very common myth that needs busting asap! In this episode, we’re diving deep into what happens in that window of time between our period and ovulation that means yes, it is absolutely possible to get pregnant during your period.
I’m pregnant. Should I be monitoring my heart rate when I exercise?
This is a super common question and something that causes a lot of stress and confusion for pregnant women.
The recommendation for pregnant women to keep their heart rates below 140 bpm was big in the 90s. But just like big perms, shoulder pads and flowery maternity dresses, things go out of date. And these guidelines have certainly gone out of date.
In this episode, I’m diving deep into why monitoring your heart rate during exercise is oh-so 1990s and I’ll break down what you should be doing instead.