I’m the friend you wish you’d had in high school, helping you to understand your body and teaching you all those things they never taught us in health class! 

I'm taking girl-talk to a whole new level

Truth be told? Pre-conception support for women and couples is virtually non-existent in our healthcare system.

As more and more couples struggle to conceive, the multi-billion dollar IVF industry is thriving. But 50% of the couples seeking help have no fertility issues at all. They just have the timing wrong.

For many women, the internet has taught them more about their fertility than any health professional ever has. Never before have we been able to access knowledge so easily.

But this also means anyone with a vague understanding of their menstrual cycle can claim their corner of the internet, leading to an epidemic of misinformation!

I’m an Australian-trained physiotherapist, nutrition and health coach and a natural fertility educator.

I founded Fertility Co. to hand the next generation of women (of all ages, life stages and backgrounds) the tools they need to quit the pill forever and conceive quickly and naturally.

Hi, I'm Rachel

With this shifting landscape, comes a responsibility for me, as one of the few healthcare professionals with expertise and a qualification in natural fertility education, to share up to date, evidence-based fertility practice with women so they, too, can maximise their chances of conceiving naturally and quickly (without the financial, physical and emotional strain of “support” they don’t actually need).

My mission is to empower curious women to tune in to their own body’s intelligence, understand what it needs and recognise when it is signalling that something isn't quite right.

Because, I believe that knowledge is power. When you truly understand your body, you are empowered to make informed decisions about your health!

I was the girl who ate crap, used the gym as a social hangout, took the Pill because it was convenient and completely ignored the warning signs my body was sending me.

Years of working 60 hour weeks in a toxic management job that I hated, combined with stress eating and over-exercise resulted in an autoimmune disease diagnosis that changed my life overnight.

And the cause? Well, it turns out that stress can do a lot of damage.

In spite of my unsustainable work-life balance, I was tuned in to my body and quickly recognised that my pain, digestive issues and irregular menstrual cycles were a sign that something wasn’t right. I looked for second opinions and asked questions until I got answers.

Oh, and I quit my job and never looked back.

Nope. Me neither.

Do you remember when somebody sat you down as a teenager and told you all about your body, your health and your hormones?


So, we see our periods as a monthly inconvenience, we suppress our natural cycles with artificial hormones and when we are FINALLY ready for pregnancy, we don’t understand our bodies and we struggle to conceive. And worst of all, we panic and think that we’re not normal and wonder if there’s something wrong with our fertility! 

I taught myself about my menstrual cycle after 10 years on the Pill with zero clue about the side effects it was having on my body!

When I decided it was time to ditch the hormones forever, I had nowhere to go for help. I *attempted* to teach myself about periods, pregnancy and the pelvic floor using books, Google, anything I could find!

It wasn’t until I went back to school, got a few extra bits of paper and started working with women with the same questions I had that I realised just how common the problem was - and how simple the solution could be!

Nobody teaches us this stuff!

Want to take control of your fertility?
Here's how I can help

Maximise your chances of pregnancy with absolute and unshakeable confidence that you've got your timing perfectly right.

Pinpoint ovulation day, quit the Pill forever and conceive in half the time (even if your periods are irregular, unpredictable or non-existent!)

Get individualised support and a tailored fertility management plan from a trained fertility educator.




free mini-course

signature program

private coaching

Doctor Google allows us to self-diagnose in seconds. Bloggers and influencers are the new wellness gurus. Say something often enough and it eventually becomes fact. 

It’s no wonder women are left feeling confused and overwhelmed trying to sort the fact from the fiction 

There’s more free information available to women on every imaginable subject than ever before in human history. But if you’re not aware of what you need to know (and what is utter BS), or where to get the support you really need, all the free information in the world won’t help! 

When it comes to your health, it is essential to work with a qualified healthcare professional - That's where I come in!

You are the only person that you will have a relationship with for your entire life. Be kind to yourself.

Your body is the only home you’ll ever know.  Look after it.

There is no magic pill to make everything better. 

Love and kindness are never wasted.

Fertility is so much more than making babies!

My passion (and biz) is fueled by helping women just like you to navigate all of life's major milestones

It's not just the mind-blowing knowledge about the female body that excites me.

my business values


Wellness Bundles jam-packed full of everything you need to know about all of life's major milestones


Want to dip your toes in first?

Get one, or get 'em all! In every bundle you’ll get a collection of ebooks that are easy to read and full of essential knowledge as well as heaps of bonus resources, workbooks, tools and templates. 

Think of these guides as the teacher in your pocket, ready and waiting to answer all those questions that Google can't - or shouldn't!

Nutrition, Weight Loss and Meal Planning

Core and Pelvic Floor


Join me in the classroom as I cover:

Cycle Charting

Don't just take my word for it

Here's what other people say about me and my work

(This is why I LOVE what I do!)


Cause I've got answers to those questions you've been secretly Googling

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