Pinpoint ovulation day, quit the Pill forever and conceive in half the time

(even if your periods are irregular, unpredictable or non-existent!)

It's time to get pregnant naturally.


Crossing your fingers, holding your breath and hoping you got the timing right doesn’t make a baby. 

Because (despite what they told us in high school sex ed) you can only get pregnant a couple of days a month. 

So if you don’t know when you’re actually fertile, well...
I hope you've got your toes crossed too!






ENROL now!

And newsflash?

Don't panic. I can help!

Does this sound familiar?

Wait - haven't you spent most of your life trying to avoid getting pregnant?

You thought it would be as simple as stopping the Pill, "making" the baby, then hello positive pregnancy test!

But somewhere along the line, things haven't quite worked out that way...

If you see one more pregnancy announcement on Insta, you're quitting social media forever!

You’re *officially* off birth control and it’s finally time to start a family of your own. But you’re hearing your friends talk about how it’s just not happening for them and you’re starting to worry you might have the same struggles.

You're sick of faking a smile, then feeling guilty because you're not more excited when friends and family share their happy news (when they "weren't even trying"!!)

They know you by name at the local pharmacy because you're always in there stocking up on ovulation strips and pregnancy tests - at this point they're just as invested as you are!

You dread the day your period is due because you know when it arrives, it brings along those familiar feelings of heartbreak and frustration. Again.

You’re over feeling consumed by tracking your fertility and your hormones every single day and you’re tired of those negative pregnancy tests. You always thought making a baby would be more fun that this!

Here's an awkward question for you...

That the secret to conceiving quickly and naturally all comes down to one simple thing - timing.

That it's possible to identify your fertile days WITHOUT obsessing and over-analysing and tracking *all of the things*. Every. Single. Day. Or the anxiety of “am I even doing this right?” (Psst - you can get all the information you need in less than 5 minutes!)

And, that your fertility is in YOUR control, with zero need for apps and ovulation testing kits.

What if everything you thought you knew about your fertility
is wrong?

I taught myself about my menstrual cycle after 10 years on the Pill with zero clue about the side effects it was having on my body!

When I decided it was time to ditch the hormones forever, I had nowhere to go for help. I *attempted* to teach myself the fertility awareness method using books, Google, anything I could find. I used an insanely complicated version of natural birth control for years, and it wasn’t until I trained as a natural fertility educator that I realised just how simple charting my cycle could be.

I’m an Australian-trained physiotherapist, nutrition and health coach and a natural fertility educator.

But more importantly…

I’m the friend you wish you’d had in high school, helping you to understand your body and teaching you all those things they never taught us in health class! 

Hi, I'm Rachel

These days, I am so tuned in to my body that I can predict my period down to the day. I've used a simple and effective method of natural birth control for years.

And when the time came to finally experience pregnancy for myself?

I conceived naturally, easily and without needing to obsessively track *all of the things*. Making a baby is supposed to be fun, after all!

So, we see our periods as a monthly inconvenience, we suppress our natural cycles with artificial hormones and when we are FINALLY ready for pregnancy, we don’t understand our bodies and we struggle to conceive. And worst of all, we panic and think that we’re not normal and wonder if there’s something wrong with our fertility! 

Here's the problem.

Nobody teaches us this stuff!

And the best part?

I’ve packaged up my skills and expertise so that you can do exactly the same!

It's time to boost your chances of conceiving naturally

(without the confusion, freak-outs and late nights spent down the Google rabbit hole!)

That's where I come in.

Pinpoint ovulation day, quit the Pill forever and conceive in half the time

(even if your periods are irregular, unpredictable or non-existent!)


Not quite ready for pregnancy but want to quit hormonal contraceptives and start preparing your body? (psst: this should be your plan 2 years before conceiving!)

Think about the long game!

Recently had a baby but have no clue how to avoid having another one until you're ready to go again?

Think about the long game!

Done having kids but hubby is refusing the snip?

Think about the long game!

I'm handing over everything you need to know to understand your menstrual cycle, optimise your fertility and maximise your chances of conceiving quickly and naturally
(plus a method of birth control that is
99.4% effective and 100% natural)

Because crossing your fingers won't get you very far long term...

The Fertility Freedom Framework is the only program of its kind to actually think ahead and play "the long game"...

Understand how your hormones drive the phases of your menstrual cycle, and how you can support your body during ovulation and menstruation with nutrition, exercise and self-care.

Chart your daily fertile signs, identify your fertile window and pinpoint ovulation day, which means you know exactly when you can (and can't) get pregnant.

Choose the on-ramp that fits your reproductive goals - Conception and Preparing for Pregnancy or Natural Birth Control. You'll get a step by step roadmap no matter what season of life you're in right now.

Use your new knowledge and charting skills to identify and demystify irregularities in your menstrual cycle. Know what's normal, what's not, and how to surround yourself with a healthcare team that supports you through every step of your fertility journey.


You take control of your health, optimise your fertility, and know with absolute confidence when you’re fertile so that you can finally get pregnant without the stress, confusing apps or artificial hormones
(all in less than 5 minutes a day!)





Here's what it looks like






We’ll wrap things up by working our way through each phase and what happens to prepare your body for ovulation, pregnancy or your next period and I’ll give you all the answers you need to support your body throughout your cycle with nutrition, exercise and self-care.

Most other online programs will stop here at guiding you through how to live in-sync with your cycle – but we’re only just getting started!

We’ll kick off the program by going back to the basics of how a baby is made. 
No, after you’ve done that...

Think of this module as a recap of all those things we were never taught in health class – reproductive anatomy and the essential role that hormones play in regulating the menstrual cycle.

We’ll dip our toes into the fertility awareness method and I’ll break down the differences between this method and the rhythm method (and what makes one effective and one a ticking time bomb!). 

Menstrual Cycle 101 (a.k.a: Sex Ed 2.0)

Oh, I am so glad you asked!

So, what’s inside Fertility School?






We’ll start setting you up for success by learning about the body’s two main fertile signs, as well as some other useful signs you can use to confidently identify your fertile window. It’s simpler than you think, once you know when you’re fertile you just need to time sex according to your reproductive goals.

Finally, you’ll get the inside scoop on period tracking apps. If you’re not a pen and paper kind of girl or you’re using an app right now – listen up! Understanding the pros and cons of these apps is critical for your success!

Here’s why it pays to learn from someone who’s gone before you – I taught myself a super complicated version of the fertility awareness method (*not recommended*) so I know exactly where most women get stuck in the charting process.

In this module, we’re getting to the good stuff and I’m breaking down how to chart every day and every phase of your menstrual cycle – step by step.

The Art of Charting Your Body’s Natural Fertile Signs

Oh, I am so glad you asked!

So, what’s inside Fertility School?






Even if you’re trying to conceive right now, I’m guessing that you'll probably want to know how to avoid pregnancy some time in the future, so don’t skip this module!

I break down the rules of natural birth control that make this method 99.4% effective – that’s as effective as the pill and condoms!

We’ll weigh up your options for contraception (now we’ve said goodbye to artificial hormones) and how to manage your fertile window if abstinence isn’t your thing.

Finally, I’ll guide you through the process of coming off hormonal contraception – what to expect and how to chart as your hormones rebalance and your cycles regulate.


The Rules of Natural Birth Control

Oh, I am so glad you asked!

So, what’s inside Fertility School?

I’ll share the best time to take a pregnancy test, including how to confirm pregnancy when the test is still showing negative and how to recognise the early signs of pregnancy on your chart.

Controversial, I know - I’ll dive deep into the old wives’ tale – can you actually choose the sex of your baby?

We’ll talk fertility testing and next steps if you’re struggling to conceive.

By now you’ll have all the knowledge you need to time your baby-making sessions for your fertile window to maximise your chances of conceiving. I’ll share my top tips for pre-conception health, lifestyle changes, nutrition, exercise and I’ll share the top hormone disruptors in your home that you probably didn’t know were affecting your fertility!

I’ll also talk you through home fertility tests – what your best your options are and whether they are worth it now you’re brimming with knowledge about your body’s natural signs of fertility!







Natural Conception and Preparing for Pregnancy

Oh, I am so glad you asked!

So, what’s inside Fertility School?

I’ll give you some clear guidelines on what’s normal and what’s a sign that something else could be going on, plus how to surround yourself with a healthcare team that supports you every step of the way.

In our final module, we take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What does a healthy menstrual cycle look like and what is your period trying to tell you every month?

We’ll dive deep into irregular periods, hormone imbalance, period pain, PMS and the big one – Stress. Oh boy, this one affects your cycles more than you will ever realise!





Demystifying Irregularities in Your Menstrual Cycle


Oh, I am so glad you asked!

So, what’s inside Fertility School?

Ever wished you had a simple, streamlined and all-in-one pre-conception blueprint that makes tracking your cycle and recording your daily symptoms and fertile signs SIMPLE?

Well, your wish is my command!

No more confusing apps and trying to create your own Excel spreadsheets, all of the hard work has been done for you. Simply print your chart and go!

This is magical and life changing, and will completely change the way you track your fertility.

Not only is every single lesson available for you to download as a video, audio and written transcript, you'll also get a HEAP of bonus printable cheatsheets, checklists and bonus guides in every module so that all the knowledge you could possibly need is right at your fingertips - forever.

The same signature charting framework that has helped my private clients to quit the pill forever, future-proof their fertility and get pregnant naturally and in half the time.

This isn't your typical "learn to love your menstrual cycle" course. It's a step by step system for confidently tracking your menstrual cycle and pinpointing ovulation day so that you can achieve (or avoid) pregnancy.

Signature framework

My entire "print and go" charting system

Downloadable resources to keep forever

Plus, you'll get...

Don't just take my word for it


Join now!

A cashflow-friendly payment plan

$177 AUD



Enrol in Fertility School

Join now!

Save $109 when you pay in full and get an exclusive bonus

$599 AUD

one-time payment of

Best Value



Exclusive access to these epic bonuses

Enrol now and you'll also get...

Step by Step Charting Walk-Through Video

Now that you understand your health and your fertility in a whole new way, it’s time to put this new knowledge into action! Use this charting workbook to record and interpret the information your menstrual cycle is giving you so that you can better understand your unique cycle and fertility.

This workbook contains an entire year of charting pages for tracking your menstrual cycle and your natural fertile signs, and suits all reproductive goals. Charts are available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius and there's space for you to monitor average length of your cycle and luteal phase, ovulation dates and any other specific details you want to track.


Cycle Charting Workbook

PCOS, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis - I'll walk you through some of the most common reproductive concerns - what they are, why they happen and how they affect your menstrual cycle (and what your chart might look like).

And because I know so many women feel completely stuck about tracking the return of their fertility after having a baby, I've got you covered there too! You'll get a bonus training all about how to track your cycle in the post-partum phase and the rules of natural birth control while breastfeeding – because breastfeeding isn’t enough on its own!


Bonus Deep Dive Trainings

The two-week wait is a time of high anxiety, worry, and frustration for women trying to conceive. This is the time between ovulation and your next expected period and this is when all of your “am-I-pregnant?” anxieties emerge! 

You’ll likely find yourself over-analysing EVERYTHING – From how often you’re needing to pee, to any kind of discharge, slightly sore boobs or minor twinge in the region of your ovaries. And so, this Survival Guide is designed to make that two-week wait slightly more bearable.


Your Two-Week Wait Survival Guide

Want me to take your hand and guide you through the complete charting process step by step by step? Sure, we cover this in detail in Module Two, but if you want to see charting in action, I’ve got you covered. In this bonus, I’m walking you through how I chart my own cycle, along with a detailed checklist of every step you need to take along the way.

Your Two-Week Wait Survival Guide

Want me to take your hand and guide you through the complete charting process step by step by step? Sure, we cover this in detail in Module Two, but if you want to see charting in action, I’ve got you covered. In this bonus, I’m walking you through how I chart my own cycle, along with a detailed checklist of every step you need to take along the way.

Step by Step Charting Walk-Through Video


Exclusive access to these epic bonuses

When you enrol during this special, limited time period, you'll also get...

PCOS, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis - I'll walk you through some of the most common reproductive concerns - what they are, why they happen and how they affect your menstrual cycle (and what your chart might look like).

And because I know so many women feel completely stuck about tracking the return of their fertility after having a baby, I've got you covered there too! You'll get a bonus training all about how to track your cycle after having a baby and the rules of natural birth control while breastfeeding – because breastfeeding isn’t enough on its own!

Bonus Deep Dive


Now that you understand your health and your fertility in a whole new way, it’s time to put this new knowledge into action! Use this charting workbook to record and interpret the information your menstrual cycle is giving you so that you can better understand your unique cycle and fertility.

This workbook contains an entire year of charting pages for tracking your menstrual cycle and your natural fertile signs, and suits all reproductive goals. Charts are available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius and there's space for you to monitor average length of your cycle and luteal phase, ovulation dates and any other specific details you want to track.


Cycle Charting

The two-week wait is a time of high anxiety, worry, and frustration for women trying to conceive. This is the time between ovulation and your next expected period and this is when all of your “am-I-pregnant?” anxieties emerge! 

You’ll likely find yourself over-analysing EVERYTHING – From how often you’re needing to pee, to any kind of discharge, slightly sore boobs or minor twinge in the region of your ovaries. And so, this Survival Guide is designed to make that two-week wait slightly more bearable.

Your Two-Week Wait Survival Guide


Heal Your Hormones


When you select the
Pay in Full option

Pay in Full Bonus


Wonky, unpredictable cycles? PMS? Heavy bleeding?

It's not you. It's your hormones.

This mini-course will support you to re-balance your hormones, regulate your menstrual cycle and boost your chances of conceiving using the four pillars of fertility – diet, exercise, sleep and stress.

Join now!

A cashflow-friendly payment plan

$177 AUD



Enrol in Fertility School

Join now!

Save $109 when you pay in full and get an exclusive bonus

$599 AUD

one-time payment of

Best Value



Here's the thing: 50% of couples who are referred for infertility treatment have absolutely nothing wrong with them - they just have the timing wrong! But before they dive down the assisted reproductive technology path, and commit to the financial/emotional/physical strain that this can carry... you would think they'd be taught the basics of menstrual cycle health and fertility, right? 

Unfortunately this isn't the case. Knowledge is power! Put yourself in the best possible position to conceive naturally first! At least you'll know you explored all of your options.

I've been told I'm too old, that my hormones are imbalanced, that there's something wrong with my fertility... that I'll likely need help to conceive.


Do you menstruate? Do you want to understand the nitty-gritty details of the menstrual cycle and your fertility? If that’s you, then this is the PERFECT program for you. Fertility School is for both clueless beginners and experienced charters who want to consolidate their knowledge. If you’ve got PCOS, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, irregular cycles, or even symptom-free and predictable periods (you lucky thing!) –every single woman can benefit from this essential knowledge that nobody is teaching us!

I have PCOS, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, irregular cycles, Tarantino-esque periods [insert symptoms here], will this work for me?


If you want to know exactly when you’re fertile and you want to know in under 5 minutes a day, then you NEED this program. (Efficiency is my middle name!) If you’re too busy to put aside 1 hour a week for 5 weeks to learn a life skill that you will literally use forever, then I’m guessing you’re also too busy to Google everything you need to know – then try to piece it all together yourself. Fertility School includes every template, resource, checklist and cheatsheet you’ll need to get started tracking your cycle and fertile signs fast, with no unnecessary fluff. It’s everything you need to know, but no more.

If you’re really enthusiastic, you could get through the entire program in a week and be up and running with charting by your next period! But, the program itself is entirely go at your own pace! I want you to be able to take your time, take action as you learn and to re-listen as many times as you need to! Whether this takes 5 weeks (or 5 months) is completely up to you, because I know that everyone’s journey will be a little different. The beauty of this program is that you will build on your knowledge as you work your way through the modules, meaning by the time you finish, you will have knowledge that you can literally use for the rest of your life, no matter how your reproductive goals change along the way! (So why wouldn’t you want to devour this as fast as you can?!)

I’m too busy and I’m worried I won’t have time!

Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?


You will have access to your course portal for as long as this program is available. As a bonus, everything inside the program can be downloaded and saved to your device so you can refer back to it whenever you need to. Meaning, as your life plans change, you can go back and refer to different areas of the program that are most relevant to your current season.

Think of it this way: If you worked through one module a week, you’d be up and running in 5 weeks (although you can absolutely work through it at a pace that suits your life and other commitments). That leaves MONTHS to refine your knowledge and charting skills, with all the support you need from the course curriculum. It also gives you plenty of time if you can’t get started straight away. There is no set time to complete this, but I want you to get it done.

How long will I have access to the content?


Oh, I’ve been there! I’ve invested in online programs to help me improve my health, run my business and just to get my sh*t together. I’ve made investments that have truly changed my life, and some that were complete duds. So as a lifelong learner and educator, I know that we all learn differently and I know that we all want value for our money! Fertility School isn’t a quick fix, band aid solution. I’m going to teach you how to understand your body in ways you didn’t know were possible, to feel empowered and to trust what you are observing every day. I want results for you, and (I’m being a little selfish here) I want YOU to be my next success story! So I’m going to do everything I can to help you get there!

I’ve bought other courses before and have been disappointed. How is this program different? 


Still not sure and want to chat?
Contact me directly at and I'll get back to you asap!

Or, send me a DM over on Instagram @fertilityco and ask me any questions you have. I want you to be 100% comfortable and excited to dive in! 

I have another question not listed here!

Let Me Answer Your Burning Questions

Let me answer all of your burning questions

your questions answered

This sounds so good, but...

Do you menstruate? Do you want to understand the nitty-gritty details of the menstrual cycle and your fertility? If that’s you, then this is the PERFECT program for you. Fertility School is for both clueless beginners and experienced charters who want to consolidate their knowledge. If you’ve got PCOS, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, irregular cycles, or even symptom-free and predictable periods (you lucky thing!) –every single woman can benefit from this essential knowledge that nobody is teaching us!

I have PCOS, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, irregular cycles, Tarantino-esque periods [insert symptoms here], will this work for me?

This sounds so good, but...

If you want to know exactly when you’re fertile and you want to know in under 5 minutes a day, then you NEED this program. (Efficiency is my middle name!) If you’re too busy to put aside 1 hour a week for 5 weeks to learn a life skill that you will literally use forever, then I’m guessing you’re also too busy to Google everything you need to know – then try to piece it all together yourself. Fertility School includes every template, resource, checklist and cheatsheet you’ll need to get started tracking your cycle and fertile signs fast, with no unnecessary fluff. It’s everything you need to know, but no more.

If you’re really enthusiastic, you could get through the entire program in a week and be up and running with charting by your next period! But, the program itself is entirely go at your own pace! I want you to be able to take your time, take action as you learn and to re-listen as many times as you need to! Whether this takes 5 weeks (or 5 months) is completely up to you, because I know that everyone’s journey will be a little different. The beauty of this program is that you will build on your knowledge as you work your way through the modules, meaning by the time you finish, you will have knowledge that you can literally use for the rest of your life, no matter how your reproductive goals change along the way! (So why wouldn’t you want to devour this as fast as you can?!)

I’m too busy and I’m worried I won’t have time!

Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?

This sounds so good, but...

Oh, I’ve been there! I’ve invested in online programs to help me improve my health, run my business and just to get my sh*t together. I’ve made investments that have truly changed my life, and some that were complete duds. So as a lifelong learner and educator, I know that we all learn differently and I know that we all want value for our money! Fertility School isn’t a quick fix, band aid solution. I’m going to teach you how to understand your body in ways you didn’t know were possible, to feel empowered and to trust what you are observing every day. I want results for you, and (I’m being a little selfish here) I want YOU to be my next success story! So I’m going to do everything I can to help you get there!

I’ve bought other courses before and have been disappointed. How is this program different? 

This sounds so good, but...

I currently charge in Australian Dollars because my business is based in Australia. I am aware that a large percentage of my audience are international, so you can convert the price to your local currency here – I’m betting the exchange rate will make you smile! This program is also at the lowest price it will ever be so don't miss out!

What currency do you charge in?

This sounds so good, but...

Nope, sorry. The digital nature of the content and downloadable resources provided to you in this program are next level and took a VERY long time to create from scratch. They are all available to you the second you purchase. That's why I DO NOT offer refunds under any circumstances. Learn more here.

Do you offer refunds?

This sounds so good, but...

Still not sure and want to chat?
Contact me directly at and I'll get back to you asap!

Or, send me a DM over on Instagram @fertilityco and ask me any questions you have. I want you to be 100% comfortable and excited to dive in! 

I have another question not listed here!

This sounds so good, but...

You will have access to your course portal for as long as this program exists! As a bonus, everything inside the program can be downloaded and saved to your device so you can refer back to it whenever you need to. Meaning, as your life plans change, you can go back and refer to different areas of the program that are most relevant to your current season.

Think of it this way: If you worked through one module a week, you’d be up and running in 5 weeks (although you can absolutely work through it at a pace that suits your life and other commitments). That leaves MONTHS to refine your knowledge and charting skills, with all the support you need from the course curriculum. It also gives you plenty of time if you can’t get started straight away. There is no set time to complete this, but I want you to get it done.

How long will I have access to the content?

This sounds so good, but...

Here's the thing: 50% of couples who are referred for infertility treatment have absolutely nothing wrong with them - they just have the timing wrong! But before they dive down the assisted reproductive technology path, and commit to the financial/emotional/physical strain that this can carry... you would think they'd be taught the basics of menstrual cycle health and fertility, right? 

Unfortunately this isn't the case. Knowledge is power! Put yourself in the best possible position to conceive naturally first! At least you'll know you explored all of your options.

I've been told I'm too old, that my hormones are imbalanced, that there's something wrong with my fertility... that I'll likely need help to conceive.

5 Implementation Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to know about charting and understanding your fertile signs so that you can achieve your reproductive goals!

A Complete, Step-by-Step Guide to Charting and a Video Walk-Through showing you how to track your symptoms and fertile window throughout each phase of your cycle, including how to identify ovulation day and plan ahead for your next period.

Cycle Charting Workbook so you'll never have to use a tracking app again!

Bonus Deep Dive Trainings for hard-to-track cycles for the most common conditions such as PCOS, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis, as well as how to track the return of your fertility while breastfeeding and after having a baby.

Your Two-Week Wait Survival Guide to keep you sane while you wait to take a pregnancy test (plus the ideal time to take it for the most accurate results).

Next level advice and resources to set you up for success and get you results quickly! Not only is every single lesson available for you to download as a video, audio and written transcript, you'll also get a HEAP of bonus printable cheatsheets, checklists and bonus guides in every module so that all the knowledge you could possibly need is right at your fingertips - forever.

Here's a reminder of everything you'll get when you enrol in Fertility School now:







Will you be my next success story?

Which means you haven't clicked "Enrol Now!" yet...

Which means you're still perched on the fence.

If so, I get it! Investments like these can be scary. So, here’s how I usually decide my next move.

I ask myself where I’ll be in a year if I don’t invest in myself now, dive in and take the plunge. What about you?

This time next year, will you have achieved your reproductive goals?

Will you finally have a baby on the way?

You might even have already welcomed bub into the world...
now, there's an exciting thought!


Rachel xx

Time to decide you're done trying to figure it out on your own.
You're done with the tears, stress and frustration.

Spending hours down the Google rabbit-hole doesn’t give you a step by step roadmap with EVERYTHING you need - and aren’t there better things you could be doing with your time?

Understanding my menstrual cycle and my fertility has literally transformed my life. I've experienced first-hand what it feels like to transition from 10 years on the pill with no idea about my periods to a level of confidence in my body that I never thought was possible - not to mention being able to pinpoint ovulation, predict my period down to the day and conceive without stress!

More than anything else, I want to share this knowledge with you! If you're curious, you owe it to yourself to at least take the plunge to see what your new life could look like.

Success comes to those who take action.
It’s time to take control of your health.
So, let’s do it together.

This time next year, you'll be so glad you started TODAY!

I can't wait to meet you inside Fertility School.

Now is your time!

Join now!

A cashflow-friendly payment plan

$177 AUD



Enrol in Fertility School

Join now!

Save $109 when you pay in full and get an exclusive bonus

$599 AUD

one-time payment of

Best Value


Need help or have a question?
Get in touch!