The Fertility Co. Podcast

The blog where you'll get answers to those questions you’ve been secretly Googling and all those things you’re too embarrassed to ask your doctor, because…
Well – We’re women!
Shouldn’t we just know this stuff?? 

Shownotes & Blog

Your Guide to Using Lubricants When Trying To Conceive


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Boost your chances of conception with the right lubricants. Discover how to effectively use lubricants when trying to conceive for a fulfilling and successful journey to parenthood.

: The “Basic” Preconception Advice You Need to Stop Following


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Contrary to what a lot of people believe, it’s not always easy for pregnancy to happen. More and more couples are turning to reproductive technology to assist with pregnancy. But this isn’t always necessary for many couples who use it, nor it is necessarily a guarantee of success. So, why aren’t we focusing our attention on those simple lifestyle changes that are free and that you can do for yourself right now to maximise your chances of conceiving?

3 Real-Talk Truths About Preparing for A Second Pregnancy


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Preparing for a subsequent pregnancy is a whole different ball game compared to first time around. In this episode I’m talking about why your cycles are different after having a baby, breastfeeding and the return of your fertility and how to navigate post-partum depletion.


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There is one thing I ALWAYS stand by when it comes to prenatal supplements and it will change the way you think about preconception care and pregnancy. One size doesn’t fit all!

In this episode of the podcast I’m sharing what most people get wrong about prenatal supplements.

Why I NEVER Use the Word "Infertility"


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Ok! I am calling it. It is time we all stop using the word infertility to describe fertility struggles.
I work with and speak with so many women who have been trying to conceive with zero success. But these women are not necessarily “infertile”.
While 1 in 6 couples may struggle to conceive, 1 in 6 couples are NOT infertile.

Sperm Count and Male Fertility


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More often than not when we think about fertility, we immediately start thinking about women. Yes, we are the ones who have menstrual cycles and get pregnant and grow babies, but if it wasn’t for male sperm pregnancy would never be possible. And if a couple is struggling to conceive, it’s about an even 50-50 split about whether it is a male or female cause.

In this episode, we’re talking about what makes up an individual sperm cell; how the male reproductive system works to maximise chances of fertilising a female egg and we’re also talking about sperm count – how this is actually measured, how it’s changed over the past 100 years and some advice for couples who are trying to conceive with potentially low sperm counts.

Lessons Learnt From My First Trimester of Pregnancy


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It has been a hot minute since I disappeared off the face of the earth. Morning sickness hit me hard but I’m back and it only seemed fitting to kick off the podcast with the lessons I’ve learnt during my first trimester of pregnancy. These are the things I wish someone had told me before and during my pregnancy and I hope you find that reassurance useful. Think of it as non-traditional pre-conception preparation!

Joanna Macmeikan Chinese Medicine and Your Fertility


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In this episode of the podcast I’m joined by Chinese Medicine doctor and acupuncturist Joanna Macmeikan for a chat about all things women’s health, hormones and fertility with a twist of yin and yang!⁠⁠

Ovulation Predictor Kits are a Waste of Your Money


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Think back to high school for a moment…

If you were going to ask someone else to do your homework for you, or take an important exam for you, you’re going to ask someone smarter than you right?

Someone who could guarantee they would get a better result than you could.

Would you consider asking someone if they weren’t as smart as you, if there was no guarantee?

No, you wouldn’t.

So why are you asking an inanimate object to tell you when you’re fertile?

Everything You Need to Know About Implantation


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Getting pregnant is not a one step process, and implantation is the final step where the fertilised egg (now called an embryo) settles itself into the lining of the uterus for a 9 month stay-cation.

When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s normal to be very aware of your body and notice every tiny change that happens, wondering if it’s a sign of pregnancy.

The frustrating part is that so many of the early signs of pregnancy and implantation are very similar to PMS, so in this episode I’m breaking down some of the most common signs of implantation that women experience.

But just because you don’t notice any of them, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening for you.


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