The Fertility Co. Podcast

The blog where you'll get answers to those questions you’ve been secretly Googling and all those things you’re too embarrassed to ask your doctor, because…
Well – We’re women!
Shouldn’t we just know this stuff?? 

Shownotes & Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Implantation


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Getting pregnant is not a one step process, and implantation is the final step where the fertilised egg (now called an embryo) settles itself into the lining of the uterus for a 9 month stay-cation.

When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s normal to be very aware of your body and notice every tiny change that happens, wondering if it’s a sign of pregnancy.

The frustrating part is that so many of the early signs of pregnancy and implantation are very similar to PMS, so in this episode I’m breaking down some of the most common signs of implantation that women experience.

But just because you don’t notice any of them, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening for you.


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Let’s get something straight, cervical mucus is not just discharge and it is a very good thing! You want to see mucus throughout your menstrual cycle because it’s the very best real-time indicator you have of your fertile window. It tells you when you’re ovulating so you can use this information to avoid unplanned pregnancy or conceive naturally. Mucus helps keep sperm alive and helps get us pregnant, and it protects us from vaginal infections. The change in mucus during our cycle also helps us to predict our next period and if you’re a control freak like me – you like knowing when your period is coming. Some women see cervical mucus every single day. Some only see it a few days in a month. And every single one of these women is 100% normal.


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In this episode, Part 3 of the Menstrual Cycle Masterclass, we have arrived at the main event – ovulation. I’ll be sharing what happens in our bodies in the lead up to, during and after ovulation, the signs of ovulation you can look out for and how to support your body during this important window of time with nutrition, exercise and self care.


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The follicular phase – the window of time between menstruation and ovulation – can be tricky. While all of the other phases of our menstrual cycle are usually quite consistent and reliable, it’s the follicular phase which can change every single month. Some women may even skip this phase completely!

Welcome to Part Two of your Menstrual Cycle Masterclass, where I’m breaking down the sneakiest of all the phases of the menstrual cycle, the follicular phase – what actually goes on inside our body, how to support your body, balance your hormones and support your reproductive system with nutrition, self care, exercise and sleep.


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Wanna know my all-time top 5 fertility superfoods? In this episode, I’m giving you my favourite foods for boosting your fertility naturally and making sure you’re getting all the essential nutrients when preparing for pregnancy.

Am I Ovulating? The One Check You Can Do Every Day to Know For Sure When You’re Fertile


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Am I ovulating?
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we had a clear answer to that question every single day?
In this episode, I’m going to be teaching you the exact messages your body is sending you every day so that you can answer yes or no to that very question with complete confidence.


Maximise your chances of pregnancy with absolute and unshakeable confidence that you've got your timing perfectly right.


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