The Fertility Co. Podcast

The blog where you'll get answers to those questions you’ve been secretly Googling and all those things you’re too embarrassed to ask your doctor, because…
Well – We’re women!
Shouldn’t we just know this stuff?? 

Shownotes & Blog

Your Guide to Using Lubricants When Trying To Conceive


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Boost your chances of conception with the right lubricants. Discover how to effectively use lubricants when trying to conceive for a fulfilling and successful journey to parenthood.

Sperm Count and Male Fertility


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More often than not when we think about fertility, we immediately start thinking about women. Yes, we are the ones who have menstrual cycles and get pregnant and grow babies, but if it wasn’t for male sperm pregnancy would never be possible. And if a couple is struggling to conceive, it’s about an even 50-50 split about whether it is a male or female cause.

In this episode, we’re talking about what makes up an individual sperm cell; how the male reproductive system works to maximise chances of fertilising a female egg and we’re also talking about sperm count – how this is actually measured, how it’s changed over the past 100 years and some advice for couples who are trying to conceive with potentially low sperm counts.

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?


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As soon as we ovulate, the body starts to prepare for a potential pregnancy. Month after month, our menstrual cycle creates the perfect conditions for an egg to be fertilised so that when a long-awaited pregnancy finally occurs, you can get to work straight away growing your baby – long before you even know you’re pregnant.

In this episode, you’ll learn when the best possible time is to take a pregnancy test in order to get an accurate result. I’ll share the earliest signs of pregnancy to look out for as well as how to survive the two-week wait between ovulation and your next expected period.


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Wanna know my all-time top 5 fertility superfoods? In this episode, I’m giving you my favourite foods for boosting your fertility naturally and making sure you’re getting all the essential nutrients when preparing for pregnancy.


Maximise your chances of pregnancy with absolute and unshakeable confidence that you've got your timing perfectly right.


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