3 simple steps to find out exactly when you're ovulating (without tracking apps)





Get my step-by-step Fertility Charting Framework for pinpointing ovulation day,
predicting your next period &
knowing exactly when you can (or can't) get pregnant

Here's What You'll Learn

The biggest fertility mistake most women don't even know they're making (and how to fix it)

The BEST way to identify when you're fertile and pinpoint ovulation day without apps, testing strips or complicated tracking systems (in under 5 minutes a day)

The ONE thing you need to get pregnant quickly and naturally or to use a natural method of birth control that is equally as effective as the pill (without the side effects)



I taught myself about my menstrual cycle after 10 years on the Pill with zero clue about the side effects it was having on my body!

When I decided it was time to ditch the hormones forever, I had nowhere to go for help. I *attempted* to teach myself the fertility awareness method using books, Google, anything I could find. I used an insanely complicated version of natural birth control for years, and it wasn’t until I trained as a natural fertility educator that I realised just how simple charting my cycle could be.

I’m an Australian-trained physiotherapist, nutrition and health coach and a natural fertility educator.

But more importantly…

I’m the friend you wish you’d had in high school, helping you to understand your body and teaching you all those things they never taught us in health class! 

Hi, I'm Rachel

These days, I am so tuned in to my body that I can predict my period down to the day. I've used a simple and effective method of natural birth control for years.

And when the time came to finally experience pregnancy for myself?

I conceived naturally, easily and without needing to obsessively track *all of the things*. Making a baby is supposed to be fun, after all!