Discover the fascinating connection between your cervix position and ovulation. Learn how tracking this secondary fertile sign can provide valuable insights into your menstrual cycle and fertility.
Discover the essential temperature shifts you need to track in your menstrual cycle for better fertility awareness. Learn how basal body temperature (BBT) can confirm ovulation, predict your period, and potentially indicate early pregnancy signs. Understand the significance of progesterone levels and how they correlate with BBT fluctuations. Overcome common challenges and optimise your tracking with expert tips and insights.
Have you ever found yourself saying these things?
I can’t see egg-white mucus.
I can’t see any mucus.
I just don’t have enough mucus to actually track my cycle this way.
I get it. I promise. So many women (myself included when I was getting started) just can’t get their head around the fact that a tiny sensation is enough to tell them when they’re fertile!
If you’ve been listening to me rabbit on about mucus for any length of time now, then you would know that I see it as the number one indicator of your fertility.
The key to understanding when you are fertile or not fertile relies on you being able to track the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle. So what you see and feel is everything when it comes to identifying your fertile window.
In this episode, we’re talking about your mucus plug. What the hell is it and why is it so important in determining whether or not you are fertile?
I’m not currently trying to get pregnant, so why do I care when I’m ovulating?
Why would I bother charting and tracking my fertile signs when I have no intention of conceiving?
Your fertility is so much more than making babies. It’s about eliminating the need for artificial hormones that have their own set of side effects, and relying on your own body to tell you everything you need to know to avoid pregnancy with a natural method of birth control that’s equally as effective as the pill!
You can use your observations and your symptoms to address underlying health issues before they show up as other more serious symptoms in your body. You can take your chart to a healthcare professional and figure out what your body needs to rebalance your hormones and regulate your periods.
And finally, you can use this knowledge at every stage of life – birth control, pregnancy, post-partum and while breastfeeding all the way through until menopause.
The best part? You only have to learn it once!
Truthbomb: Your phone doesn’t know when you’re fertile.
I seem to have developed quite the reputation for being anti-app. I’m not necessarily anti-app, but I am anti-crappy apps and it seems that there are a lot of them out there.
The internet is completely flooded with period and ovulation tracking apps that claim to help you to monitor your menstrual cycle and your fertile window. Here’s the bad news – most of them are nothing more than a high-tech version of the rhythm method.
When I look back, I cringe at how little I knew about my body.
When I started to wonder if there was another way to avoid unplanned pregnancy without the artificial hormones, everyone gave me the same cynical answers – Yes, but you’d be crazy to actually rely on them for birth control!
I call BS.
By taking just a couple of minutes a day to tune in to your body, you can use a method of birth control that is equally as effective as the Pill and condoms.
No side effects, no artificial hormones, no prescriptions, no awkward supermarket visits.
This knowledge will help you to know exactly when you are and aren’t fertile.
Not only does this knowledge help you to avoid pregnancy, it also allows you to maximise your chances of conceiving naturally and, according to the research, in half the time!