What if I told you that there are 3 simple things you can do to help confirm ovulation day?
And what if I told you that you don’t even have to do all of them every day?
Would you want to know what they were?
I thought so… which is EXACTLY why I am giving them to you in this episode.
Have you ever found yourself saying these things?
I can’t see egg-white mucus.
I can’t see any mucus.
I just don’t have enough mucus to actually track my cycle this way.
I get it. I promise. So many women (myself included when I was getting started) just can’t get their head around the fact that a tiny sensation is enough to tell them when they’re fertile!
Let’s get something straight, cervical mucus is not just discharge and it is a very good thing! You want to see mucus throughout your menstrual cycle because it’s the very best real-time indicator you have of your fertile window. It tells you when you’re ovulating so you can use this information to avoid unplanned pregnancy or conceive naturally. Mucus helps keep sperm alive and helps get us pregnant, and it protects us from vaginal infections. The change in mucus during our cycle also helps us to predict our next period and if you’re a control freak like me – you like knowing when your period is coming. Some women see cervical mucus every single day. Some only see it a few days in a month. And every single one of these women is 100% normal.